Elon Musk Says He's Going To Start Charging EVERYBODY To Access X (Twitter)!

Are you ready to fork down a few dollars a month to post on social media?

If Elon Musk gets his way over at X (Twitter), that’s exactly what you’ll do pretty soon.

The Tesla CEO sat down with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week for a talk on technology, artificial intelligence, and other things. And during the discussion, the two quickly got to chatting about the controversial and popular social media site Musk owns.

Per The Guardian and others, Musk indicated he will soon be moving the site towards having every user pay to access it — not just those who are part of X Premium. Of course, right now, X Premium users get perks like verified account checkmarks and prioritized replies on posts for $11 per month. But soon, it sounds like EVERYBODY is going to pay that money just to access the site! Really?!

Musk told the politician:

“We’re moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the system.”

At issue for Musk are bots and automated accounts. Lamenting how they cost “a fraction of a penny” to set up, Musk said that if X (Twitter) were to charge “a few dollars or something,” they could shed the site of its bots. He added:

“Plus, every time a bot creator wanted to make another bot, they would need another new payment method.”

Yeah… Regarding bots, that might be true… but what about regular users?!

Are normal people outside of media/entertainment circles really going to pay to use the site?! If they haven’t forked over the monthly fee yet after it being in the news and pushed online endlessly for months now, something tells us they probably won’t. We could be wrong, tho!

What do U make of Musk’s comments here, Perezcious readers?! Sound OFF with your take (below)!!

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