Linda Evangelista reveals starvation diets she put herself through

Former supermodel Linda Evangelista reveals the punishing starvation diets she put herself through to keep her weight down as she hit 30

In her heyday as one of the world’s trailblazing supermodels, she famously declared that she would not get out of bed for less than $10,000 per day.

But what Linda Evangalista did not mention were the lengths she went to stay thin enough to appear on the catwalk for the most prestigious designer labels.

In a searingly honest interview with River Café owner Ruth Rogers on her podcast, Ruth’s Table 4, she tells how she would use ‘harmful’ cleanses and attended a £10,000-a-week retreat in the US where she would undergo a starvation diet once she reached her late 20’s.

It coincided with her struggling to keep he weight down as she approached 30.

Canadian-born Ms Evangalista – who stars in Apple TV show The Super Models – said: ‘Back in the day I could eat anything ‘It [her metabolism] started to slow down close to 30. I started to work out when I was 27/28, because I thought things were a little different.

Evangalista would use ‘harmful’ cleanses and attended a £10,000-a-week retreat in the US where she would undergo a starvation diet once she reached her late 20’s

‘I know that when I was flying every other day, and working and running around jet settling and globe-trotting, I had to work on keeping the weight on and then came the period when I really had to watch.’

Ms Evangalista, now 58, says that as well as undergoing the ‘Master Cleanse’ which requires users to consume just salt water and a herbal laxative tea for the first ten days and medicinal ones, she also went to a week-long retreat in Palm Springs twice a year.

The Canadian star said: ‘I started doing cleanses all the time and I loved doing these cleanses but I think they were very harmful to me.

‘I did the Master Cleanse quite a few times but I would do medicinal cleanses, like a powder drink, the rice base, or I would go to We Care once or twice a year for a week.

‘It’s out in the desert near Palm Springs, Palm Desert and you just do liquids, mostly waters with lemon and mints and teas and you get a glass of juice a day and you get a diluted watered down vegetable once a day called a soup.

In her heyday as one of the world’s trailblazing supermodels, Evangalista famously declared that she would not get out of bed for less than $10,000 per day

Ms Evangalista, now 58, says she did the ‘Master Cleanse’ which requires users to consume just salt water and a herbal laxative tea for the first ten days and medicinal ones

‘But it’s basically a starvation diet, it’s amazing. I will never do the deprivation, I won’t do that again.’ 

Ms Evangalista, also appeared to criticise the fashion industry 30 years ago when she was one of the most sought after models in the world, hinting that there was pressure to stay thin.

Addressing the changes in fashion now adapts for womens’ sizes, she says: ‘In the 90s the models had to adapt, adapt to fit the clothes.’ 

Last year Ms Evangalista revealed a fat-freezing procedure called ‘CoolSculpting’ left her ‘permanently deformed’ and ‘brutally disfigured.’ 

She told how she used various methods to correct the rare post-procedural complication, known as paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. She had two rounds of liposuction and at one point stopped eating.

Ms Evangalista said: ‘I was so embarrassed, I’d just spent all this money and the only way I could think of to fix it was zero calories, and so I just drank water. I was losing my mind.’

Listen to the podcast at: Ruthie’s Table 4 

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