Prince William: ‘No one does optimism and ingenuity like the American people’

Prince William arrived in Newark, New Jersey on Monday, mid-afternoon. He flew commercial and arrived at Newark Airport. Not JFK. As soon as he touched down in Newark, his first statement was about John F. Kennedy, I guess because William thinks if he keeps name-dropping JFK, people will see him as an Irish-Catholic from Massachusetts?? This is Peg’s arrival statement:

“It’s so good to be back in United States. No one does optimism and ingenuity like the American people, so it’s only right we unveil this year’s Earthshot finalists in New York City. 80 years ago, the world came together in this great city to find a new way, through the UN, to solve our shared challenges. I know our generation can take the bold action we need to make changes towards a healthy and sustainable world. The challenge may feel huge, but as John F Kennedy taught us, we rise to the challenge not because it is easy, but because it is hard. And vital.”

[From Hello]

“No one does optimism and ingenuity like the American people” – I’m thinking about all of the times Kensington Palace “sources” scornfully briefed the press that Meghan was “too American” and she made white women weep when she assigned them tasks. But again, why is he constantly banging on about JFK? Someone pointed this out on Twitter – Diana loved New York, and Americans loved Diana. He could have cloaked himself in his actual attachment to his mother. But no, he’s got to clout-chase a dead Irish-American president.

Anyway, William’s first stop was “Billion Oyster Project” on Governors Island. William wore a baseball cap and he got in the water for a photo-op. I’m going to give this the same energy William gives to his briefing papers – none at all. Meanwhile, the Kensington Palace be-wigletted gopher had a lot to say to Vanity Fair about Peg’s Bigly American Adventure.

“As he remarked previously, the prince was incredibly appreciative for the love and support shown by the American people during that time,” said a spokesperson for Kensington Palace. “He is very much looking forward to being back in New York this week and hopefully meeting as many New Yorkers as possible.”

In addition to his time at the summit, William will visit a few more sites relevant to his interests. Following his arrival on Monday, William will visit the Billion Oyster Project on Governors Island to meet with volunteers, students, and restaurateurs who are working to restore oyster reefs in New York Harbor. On Tuesday, he will meet with a group of first responders to talk about mental health.

“As ever, wherever the prince visits, he’s always keen to see, hear, and learn from other projects that are happening and taking place in and around the cities that he visits,” said the palace spokesperson. “He’s conscious that he’s doing this visit only a few days after September 11th, where many of the people that he will be meeting tomorrow were remembering those that were lost on 9/11.”

Later, he will meet with UN Secretary General António Guterres to discuss climate issues and the innovative solutions that Earthshot Prize winners and finalists have already cultivated around the world.

[From Vanity Fair]

His big “two-day trip” is more like a whirlwind 30 hour visit in which he plans to wander around the United Nations during the opening of the General Assembly, begging for meetings, plus he’ll preview Earthshot something or other at the Plaza. Have we really talked about how idiotic it is that Peg is trying to gate-crash the UN, solely because Prince Harry was invited to speak on Mandela Day? Like, really important people attach their projects to the opening of the General Assembly. Bill Clinton is currently doing his Clinton Global Intitative summit, as he does every September. There’s been an 18-month war in Ukraine. The UN has a full slate of events about communicable diseases, preventing the next pandemic, women’s rights globally and more. No one has time for Peg’s wannabe-statesman busywork.

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