EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Prince Albert celebrates son's 20th birthday

Prince Albert of Monaco seems keen to keep close to the rest of his family as he celebrates son Alexandre’s 20th birthday… but with NO Charlene

With Princess Charlene rumoured to be living in Switzerland, Prince Albert of Monaco seems keen to keep close to the rest of his family.

The monarch, 65, celebrated his son Alexandre’s 20th birthday this week and is pictured between him and his mother Nicole Coste. Albert’s daughter with Tamara Rotolo, Jazmin, was also there.

Charlene, mother of Albert’s two legitimate children, understandably skipped the event. But then maybe she wasn’t invited?

The monarch, 65, celebrated his son Alexandre’s 20th birthday this week and is pictured between him and his mother Nicole Coste. Albert’s daughter with Tamara Rotolo, Jazmin, was also there

The birthday celebration comes after pictures emerged of Princess Charlene of Monaco and Prince Albert putting on a united front as they relaxed on a yacht in Corsica.

The speculation began when reports in European media alleged Charlene, 45, was living in Switzerland and only saw her husband Albert, 65, ‘by appointment’. 

The Princess then went on to delete her Instagram account leading to further questions. 

The pictures of them yesterday showed the couple relaxing together in the Mediterranean. 

In one shot Albert wraps his arm around Charlene, while in another they sit side-by-side on the beach. 

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco have also put on a united front as they relaxed on a yacht in Corsica amid rumours about the state of their marriage

The royal couple have been at the centre of speculation after reports in European media alleged Charlene, 45, was living in Switzerland and only saw husband Albert, 65, ‘by appointment’. But recent photos show them appearing relaxed 

The smart set’s talking about… Scarlett’s pop art smash

As the great-niece of Lucian Freud, writer Scarlett Curtis — daughter of Four Weddings And A Funeral film-maker Richard Curtis and broadcaster Emma Freud — was always likely to have artistic genes.

And her talents have struck a chord with Ed Sheeran.

For I can reveal Sheeran, 32, selected Scarlett, 28, to design the cover of his new album Autumn Variations, which is set to be released at the end of September. ‘About a year ago one of my favourite people on the planet asked me to draw him an album cover,’ says Scarlett.

‘I didn’t really think it would ever happen but then it did and I have spent all day sobbing at the announcement of Autumn Variations.’

She adds: ‘It’s my favourite of his albums or any album and just being a small part of this magical thing has meant more to me than anyone will ever understand.’

Writer Scarlett Curtis (pictured) — daughter of Four Weddings And A Funeral film-maker Richard Curtis and broadcaster Emma Freud — was always likely to have artistic genes

And her talents have struck a chord with Ed Sheeran. For I can reveal Sheeran, 32, selected Scarlett, 28, to design the cover of his new album Autumn Variations (pictured)

The Shape of You singer’s latest album is set to be released at the end of September

Dara has a (disco) ball in Venice

The Venice Film Festival kicks off next week, but U.S-born architect and TV presenter Dara Huang is already bringing a touch of glamour to the Italian city’s canals. 

Dara, 40, mother of Princess Beatrice’s stepson Christopher – known as Wolfie – shared a picture of herself posing on a boat in a gold, strapless, mirrored-disc split dress. 

‘I dubbed as a disco ball just in case they wanted to get down on the dance floor,’ says Huang, who was attending the birthday party of German-American art historian Olivier Berggruen. 

Dara was engaged to Beatrice’s property developer husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Their son Wolfie, seven, was best man at Bea’s wedding

The Venice Film Festival kicks off next week, but U.S-born architect and TV presenter Dara Huang is already bringing a touch of glamour to the Italian city’s canals

 After thumping one of his singers, conductor Sir John Eliot Gardiner has decided not to perform at the Proms. 

But don’t assume tempers are being held in check at the Albert Hall — certainly not where Gardiner’s fellow maestro Sir Simon Rattle is concerned. 

Rattle conducts the London Symphony Orchestra for the last time this Sunday – a farewell that is not a moment too soon, according to one LSO member, infuriated by the way Rattle gazes adoringly at his wife Magdalena Kozena, while waggling his baton. 

‘He does it all the time when she sings with us,’ my mole tells me. ‘Luckily, we don’t need him. Why would we miss him? We know what we are doing.’ 

Let’s hope the disharmony doesn’t last too long.

Mod Havers and his wife go clubbing

Wearing a suit and crash helmet, Nigel Havers certainly took chauffeuring duties seriously earlier this week. 

He and his wife Georgiana Bronfman were seen whizzing off on his moped after popping into Oswald’s, one of Robin Birley’s Mayfair clubs. 

Actor Havers, 71, is associated with his role in Eighties drama The Charmer. But he dispensed with the niceties this week to let fly against Sadiq Khan, calling him ‘the worst Mayor of London we’ve ever had’, responsible for ‘increased emissions by closing roads, narrowing streets and creating huge traffic jams’. 

Good to see even Khan can’t impede Nigel on his scooter 

Nigel Havers and his wife Georgiana Bronfman were seen whizzing off on his moped after popping into Oswald’s, one of Robin Birley’s Mayfair clubs

Usually, socialites prefer to keep their clandestine affairs under wraps, but times have changed. 

I was taken aback at a recent soiree when a well-known fashion star boasted of being caught up in a love triangle. Having dumped her boyfriend, she has now been parading her new inamorato around town. 

My lips are sealed but I hope her ex-lover won’t be looking back in anger when he finds out.

Weller’s girl raises a glass to new love

For months, Paul Weller’s daughter Dylan had been bombarded with requests from ITV producers to go on Love Island, which she declined. 

The model, 26, is glad she did as I can disclose she has found love offscreen. 

‘I have a boyfriend,’ she tells me at a tasting event for Wright Brothers and Lanson Champagne at the Bluebird in Chelsea.  

Dylan’s new man is musician Henny Seear. ‘Him and my Dad get on well,’ she says.

Well, this is music to my ears.

Paul Weller’s daughter Dylan had been bombarded with requests from ITV producers to go on Love Island, which she declined

Madonna had to reschedule her Celebration tour after a bacterial infection meant a stay in hospital in June. 

I do wonder if Madge was an easy patient to treat – as celebrity vicar Rev Richard Coles confesses the singer, 65, once gave his late husband the silent treatment.

 ‘David worked in the emergency room in Cedars-Sinai in LA and Madonna was brought in one day,’ he tells The Rabbit Hole Detectives podcast. 

‘She brought her PA in, and he wasn’t allowed to ask her a direct question… “How are you feeling?” The PA would go, “How are you feeling?” And she’d go, “Not so great”. Then the PA would go, “Not so great”.’ 

Madonna had to reschedule her Celebration tour after a bacterial infection meant a stay in hospital in June

(Very) modern manners 

Charity begins at home — particularly, hopes Countess Bathurst, if you live within 15 miles of the route she’s cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats, to raise funds for the National Foundation for Retired Service Animals. 

‘We really need help with accommodation,’ says Sara, in a bid to ensure all cash goes to NFRSA. I’m told she’s being joined by Fergie. 

Will a double bed do for the Duchess and Countess?

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